Gameboy to Volca Sync Cable

Gameboy to Volca Sync Cable

May 30, 2020 DIY / Maker 0

Exclusively here, this is how to splice your GBC or DMG cable to a 1/8″ aux jack, (or MIDI) so Nanoloop can send sync pulses to Korg Volca sequencers, Pocket Operators, Modular Synths and more. It’s actually just like the Midi pinout on the Nanoloop website, with the top middle pin going to the tip. I also discovered there seems to need to be a 68k ohm resistor from that pin to the aux tip, only for the DMG cable to an original Game Boy. This also seems NOT to work with GBA cables, even though it works great with a GBC cable connected to a GBA (they’re compatible.)

Now we can combine the Korg Volcas with my favorite chiptunes software for gameboy. Nanoloop versions 2.7.9+ for GBA and 1.7+ for DMG both can be downloaded as demo roms from just missing the ability to save. It’s not full midi control, but it allows everything to stay in time, synced to the beat.